International School of Nanomedicine
School Directors Massimo Masserini & Mauro Ferrari
Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for
Scientific Culture
ERICE (Sicily) – Italy
​Organizational Secretariat: Silvia Sesana
1-5 July 2024
7th Course "Challenges and Prospects of Nanomedicine
for Brain Targeting"
Course Director: Francesca Re
2017 - Course: “New trends in Nanomedicine”
The INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NANOMEDICINE has the pleasure to invite you to attend the course “New trends in Nanomedicine” that will be held on 8-13 April 2017 at International “ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE” of ERICE (Sicily) Italy.
The course is co-organized with the Nanomedicine Center of the University Milano-Bicocca - NANOMIB
The course focuses on the state-of-the-art and future perspectives of Nanomedicine.
The Scientific Program includes the following topics:
Crossing barriers
Therapy, Diagnostics
Regenerative Nanomedicine
Immunogenicity, Toxicity and Safety of Nanoparticles
A world-class program has been organized.
We encourage Early Career Researches to present their investigations by submitting an abstract for either oral or poster presentation.
The great Sicilian hospitality is aimed at forging collaboration and exploring ideas though multidisciplinary approaches.
Directors of the School
Mauro Ferrari and Massimo Masserini
Mauro Ferrari,
Director, International School of Nanomedicine;
Houston Methodist Research Institute (HMRI), USA -
Massimo Masserini,
Director, International School of Nanomedicine;
University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), IT -
Gert Storm,
Utrecht University (UU), NL -
Jean-Claude Leroux,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). Zurich, CH -
Patrick Couvreur,
University of Paris Sud (UPS), F -
Francesco Stellacci,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH -
Antonio Villaverde,
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) - S -
Guido Cavaletti,
University of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB) , IT -
Rosa Maria Moresco,
University of Milano- Bicocca (UNIMIB), IT -
Abhay Pandit,
National University of Ireland, Galway (NUI Galway), IR -
Nadia Benkirane-Jessel
Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) Strasbourg, F -
Patrick Boisseau
European Technology Platform on NAnomedicine (ETPN)
EU Nanomedicine Characterization Lab (EU-NCL) -
Wolfgang Wenzel
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), D
Day 1 - SATURDAY April 8th, 2017
Day 2 - SUNDAY April 9th 2017
09.15-09.30 Welcome
M. Masserini (School Director)
Session 1: Nanoparticles
Design strategy
Chairmen: G. Storm and W. Wenzel
09.30-10.20 G. Storm (UU)
“Did “Stealth” Deliver?”
10.20-10.35 E. Vázquez (CIBER-BBN)
“Engineering bacterial amyloids as nanoscale vehicles for protein drug delivery”
10.35-10.50 V. Viganò (UNINSUBRIA)
“Nanomedicine and Nanoetichs: when big questions arise from small Technologies”
10.50-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-12.20 W. Wenzel (KIT)
”Simulation bio-nano interactions”
12.20-12.40 A. Danani (IDSIA)
“How hybrid dendrimer nanoparticle affect amyloid αβ1-40 aggregation in presence of copper ions: a computational study”
12.40-13.00 S. Nizzero (HMRI)
"From Modelling to in vivo Tracking: overcoming fluid dynamics transport barrier at the tumour site"
13.00 - 15.30 Lunch
Crossing barriers
Chairmen: M. Masserini and J.C. Leroux
15.30-16.20 M. Masserini (UNIMIB)
"Nanomedicine for the therapy of brain diseases"
16.20-16.35 C. Mancuso (UNIMIB)
“Effects of dietary nanoparticles on the intestinal barrier and their role in the celiac disease development”
16.35-17.20 Coffee Break
17.20-18.10 J.C. Leroux (ETH)
"Oral delivery of macromolecular drugs: 100 years of attempts"
Day 3 - MONDAY April 10th 2017
Session 2: Nanotechnology for Therapy of Human Disease
Chairmen: P. Couvreur and F. Stellacci
09.00- 09:50 P. Couvreur (UPS)
“Nanotechnologies for the Treatment of Severe Diseases"
09.50-10.05 F. Re (UNIMIB)
“Lipoproteins and Lipoprotein-mimicking Nanoparticles for Amyloid-β (Aβ) clearance from the brain”
10.05-10.20 J. Wolfram (Mayo Clinic)
"The Macrophage Switch: improving Nanoparticle biodistribution”
10.20-10.35 F. Fontana (UOH)
“Development of Multistaged Nanoparticles as Cancer Vaccines”
10.35-11.10 Coffee Break
11.10-12.00 F. Stellacci (EPFL)
“Nanoparticles-Virus interactions”
12.00-12.15 E. Catalano (UiO)
“Magnetic fluid hyperthermia and tumor targeting therapy by using doxorubicin-bioconjugated carboxylic acid magnetic nanoparticles”
12.15-12.30 D.R. Perinelli (UNICAM)
“Investigation on the thermal behavior of Doxorubicin sulphate nanocrystals in Doxil® liposomal formulation"
12.30-12.45 S. Mancini (UNIMIB)
“Multifunctional liposomes delay phenotype progression and prevent memory impairment in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease”
12.45-15.00 Lunch
Chairmen: A. Villaverde and G. Cavaletti
15.00-15.50 A. Villaverde (UAB)
"Protein-only nanoparticles for systemic therapies"
15.50-16.10 M. Ferreira (UOH)
“Targeting the heart with multifunctional porous silicon Nanoparticles
16.10-16.30 V. Thiviyanathan (UNITEXAS)
"Multi-functional RNA Nanoparticles for the targeted delivery of therapeutic drugs"
16.30-17.10 Coffee Break
17.10-17.30 S. Avvakumova (UNIMIB)
“Does the conjugation strategy matter? Cetuximab conjugated to gold nanocages for targeting of triple negative breast cancer”
18.10-19.00 G. Cavaletti (UNIMIB)
"Animal models for nanomedicine"
Day 4 - TUESDAY April 11th, 2017
Session 3: Nanotechnology for Diagnosis of Human Diseases
Charimen: R. Moresco and M. Masserini
09.30-10.20 R. Moresco (UNIMIB)
“Nano-structured probes for PET”
10.20-10.35 A. Kasprzak (CHPW)
“Conjugates of polyethylenimine and graphene-encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles as precursors of the novel nanotheranostic materials”
10.35-10.50 K. Polakova (UPOL)
“Nanomaterials based on iron oxide and Carbon Quantum Dots with superior properties for bioapplications”
10.50-11.30 Coffee Break
11.30-11.45 S. Picciolini (UNIMIB)
“Use of Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging for the detection and characterization of plasmatic exosomes as biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases”
11.45-.12.00 S. Busatto (UNIBS)
“Extracellular vesicles, a new perspective for nanomedicine”
12.00-12.15 M. Borzenkov (UNIMIB)
“Photo-thermal properties of plasmonic nanoparticles: from colloidal solutions to printed surfaces. The possible roadmap of the biomedical applications”
12.15-12.30 F. J. Teran (iMdea Nanociencia)
“NoCanTher: Addressing Pancreatic Cancer with Nanoparticles”
12.30-12.45 L. Russo (UNIMIB)
“Nanostructured glyco-ECM mimetics: glycosylated tools for lung cancer cell biology studies”
12.45-15.00 Lunch
Session 4: Regenerative Nanomedicine
Chairmen: A. Pandit and N. Benkirane-Jessel
15.00-15.50 A. Pandit (NUI Galway)
“Biological-basis for Designing Biomaterials for the Injured and Degenerated Host"
15.50-16.10 F. Nicotra (UNIMIB)
“Glycosignature in Biomaterials”
16.10-17.10 Coffee Break
17.10-18.00 N. Benkirane-Jessel (INSERM)
“Living Implant Fortified with active therapeutics and Stem cells for Regenerative NanoMedicine"
Day 5 - WEDNESDAY April 12th, 2017
Session 5: Characterization, Toxicity and Safety of Nanoparticles
Chairmen: P. Boisseau and F. Nicotra
09.00-09.50 P. Boisseau (ETPN; EU-NCL)
“Ups and downs of translating nanomedicines to the market; The EU Nanomedicine Translation Hub“
09.50 -10.05 M. Mauri (UNIMIB)
“Scanning polymer nanoparticles: DLS preselection of promising nanomedicines”
10.05-10.20 R. Corti (UNIMIB)
"Amyloid β (Aβ)1-42 fibrillation and nanoparticles: an Atomic Force Microscopy study"
10.20-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.15 D. Montizaan (RUG)
"Using a Novel Full Genome Method to understand Nano-carrier internalisation”
11.15-12.15 M. Ferrari (HMRI)
Closing Lecture: “Post-Nanomedicine”
12.15-14.00 Lunch
14.00 EXCURSION nearby Erice
Day 6 - THURSDAY APRIL 13th, 2017
Departure from Erice
(every day during coffee breaks)
Ettore Majorana Foundation and Center for Scientific Culture
ERICE (Sicily) – Italy